Minor in Lusophone Studies

The Minor in Lusophone Studies consists of at least five courses. Students who wish to elect a Minor must officially declare their plan no later than the end of the first week of the last term in residence prior to graduation. All Minor plans must be approved in person by a Major/Minor Advisor of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese after the student has submitted their online course of study.

For specifics on each of the requirements consult the ORC/Smartcatalog


Prerequisite: Port 8 or PORT 9

All minor plans must be approved in person by a Major/Minor Advisor of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese after the student has submitted their online course of study.

The five courses must be distributed as follows:

1) Survey Course: PORT 20 - required for the Minor

2) Upper level courses (PORT 60 – 63), Language Study Abroad (BLISS) Plus (PORT 10 and 12), and Independent Study (PORT 83). Students must take four of the courses on this list.

One Independent Study (PORT 83) counts for the Minor in Lusophone Studies. The Department projects its upper-level offerings two years in advance so that students can thoughtfully plan an individualized course of study in consultation with the Major Advisor. Students interested in pursuing an Independent Study must identify their topic and faculty advisor and present a proposal to their faculty advisor and to the Department for approval no later than the seventh week of the term preceding the term they wish to undertake the Independent Study.