Frequently Asked Questions

Can I receive extra credit in my classes for attending events at La Casa?

It depends on your professor. Please speak directly with him or her.


I'm not a resident of La Casa. Can I still attend the events?

The majority of our events are open to campus, so please, join us! If you have any doubts, please contact the Faculty Advisor.


My club/organization wants to do something in La Casa. What should I do?

La Casa distinguishes itself for actively contributing to programming and organizing events for the house and the broader Dartmouth community. If you are interested in hosting a club/organization in La Casa please contact the faculty live-in advisor or UGA.


What's the difference between La Casa and other Hispanic groups on campus such as LALACS?

Like other Hispanic groups on campus, La Casa is interested in helping students immerse themselves in Hispanic culture. However, its main focus is to help students (especially non-native speakers) practice and hone their Spanish or Portuguese-speaking skills.


Is La Casa open during the summer?

By ORL policy there must be at least 8 students interested in living at La Casa for the house to remain open during summer. Please contact to express interest.


How many rooms are there in La Casa? What are the rooms like?

There are 7 rooms with space for 10 students: 2 singles (1 for the UGA), 4 one-room doubles, and the faculty apartment. There are also three bathrooms (one on each floor), the library, the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the porch, and the basement.


How are rooms selected? Can I have a single?

Room arrangement is decided by the live-in faculty advisor based on gender distribution, seniority in La Casa, and housing accommodations. There are two singles available for students and one is for the UGA. When you are accepted into La Casa, you also need to accept the possibility of sharing a room, which can be a very useful learning and social experience.


Spanish/Portuguese is not my major/minor. Can I still live in La Casa?

Yes! Many people live in La Casa even though their major is not Spanish/Portuguese. Many people use their time at La Casa to improve their Spanish/Portuguese when they don't have time in their schedule to take a class. However, students whose major/minor is Spanish/Portuguese will receive preference in the selection process.


I'm a freshman. Can I live in La Casa?

Sorry, but no. By ORL policy, only upperclassmen are allowed to live in La Casa. But please visit us and apply next year!


I am not a native speaker. Can I still live at La Casa?

Yes. La Casa welcomes residents who are both native speakers and non-native speakers. If you want the opportunity to speak Spanish or Portuguese on a regular basis, then consider living at La Casa!


It's my off-term. Can I still live at La Casa?

It's possible, but in the selection process, students who are enrolled in classes will receive priority. The application process for the student, however, is the same. Contact the Office of Residential Life for more information.


I'm not an undergrad. Can I live in La Casa?

Sorry, but no. ORL does not permit non-undergraduates to live in La Casa. But we would love for you to visit us and attend our events!


Can I apply after the deadline?

Yes, but your application receives less priority than those submitted on time, and it is possible that La Casa is already full. 


Can I leave my things at La Casa during the interim?

The only people authorized by ORL to leave their things in storage at La Casa are those who currently live there and who will continue to do so the following term. Storage is not open during the summer.


Can I be in La Casa during the interim?

Staying at La Casa during interim requires special permission from Residential Operations. Contact them by e-mail or telephone (603-646-1203).


I can't go to an event. What do I do?

Send an e-mail to the UGA and the live-in advisor before the absence and tell them the reason for which you will miss an event. When applying to La Casa you have agreed to attend all mandatory events including community dinners, planned events, and more. Residents must meet the required event attendance and may miss an event for a reasonable motive that must be communicated to the UGA and live-in advisor. If you miss more than a certain number of events without prior notice, speak with the live-in advisor to find a reasonable solution to make up the absence (which can include cleaning, helping with another event, or another activity agreed upon by the advisor and the resident).


Can I have a party at La Casa?

La Casa is your home. You can do whatever you want (as long as it is legal and it does not damage the property of others nor of the College). You can invite your friends over for your own social reasons whenever you like, as long as it does not conflict with a La Casa event. Please be courteous, however, and let the other residents (including the UGA and live-in advisor) know what's going on. Residents' guests' actions are the responsibility of the resident who invited him or her (in other words, if they break something, it is the resident's responsibility both legally and in relation to the College). Residents must ensure that after an event or gathering the place is cleaned and they must respect quiet hours.
