Admission and Application Process

Are you interested in living at La Casa? Do you want to practice your Spanish or Portuguese? Are you passionate about Iberian, Hispanic, or Lusophone cultures? Whether returning from an LSA or FSP or preparing for travel abroad, La Casa might be the perfect place for you.

General Information

Apply now with the Office of Residential life! Note that applications should be submitted through Banner Student, Housing StarPortal.  Make sure you clearly indicate that La Casa is your first choice, and answer the corresponding questions. For summer, please send us an email indicating your interest.

Students interested in living in La Casa must complete the online application form and submit it by the appropriate deadline. Check the Office of Residential Life for more information on important deadlines.

Students interested in living in La Casa must also read carefully over La Casa's Living Guidelines and Application Prompts. Approval of an application to live in La Casa means admission to the house, without specification of room or type of room. Costs of rooms are comparable to those of similar ones in other dormitories, and they are determined by the Office of Residential Life. La Casa can accommodate ten students and one faculty advisor-in-residence.

Application Criteria

In selecting students to live at La Casa from the pool of applicants, the Advisory Council will consider the following:

  • Fluency in Spanish and/or Portuguese (minimum Spanish/Portuguese 3, or equivalent). An oral interview may be required during the application process.
  • Academic interest in Spanish and/or Portuguese. Majors/minors in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies are preferred, but not required.
  • Class standing (first-year students are not permitted by ORL policy; if the qualifications of two candidates are judged to be equal, preference will be given to seniors).
  • Date of application (if the qualifications of two candidates are judged to be equal, preference will be given to the earlier applicant).
  • Standing in La Casa (current residents in good standing are given preference in the selection process).
  • Ability to participate in our weekly community dinners and La Casa events.

If you still have questions, please consult our FAQ.

Application Prompts

  • Briefly explain your interest in living at La Casa.
  • Describe your background in Spanish and/or Portuguese languages and your experience with Hispanic and/or Luso-Brazilian cultures. Please respond in Spanish and/or Portuguese.
  • Based on your experiences and interests, explain how you would contribute to the academic, cultural, and social learning environment at La Casa.

Submit your answers through Banner Student, Housing StarPortal, or send an email to with any questions.