Minor in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

Minor in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies. For specifics on each of the requirements consult the ORC/Smartcatalog.

Students who wish to elect a minor must officially declare their plan no later than the end of the first week of the last term in residence prior to graduation (and after they have an approved major on their record). (ORC information)

About the Minor in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

Students wishing to pursue a Minor in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies must take courses in Spanish and Portuguese, one serving as their primary language, the other as their secondary. This Minor option will consist of a minimum of 10 (ten) courses beyond the prerequisites listed above for the Major in Hispanic Studies or Minor in Lusophone Studies. Six of these courses will be selected among the course offerings of the primary language and four from the secondary. Students will work closely with the Major Advisor in coordinating their course of study.



Prerequisites: PORT 9 (Or Port 8) and SPAN 9 (or SPAN 15 or equivalent)

All Minor plans must be approved in person by a Major/Minor Advisor of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese after the student has submitted their online course of study.

The Minor in Hispanic and Lusophone Studies consists of at least five courses, which must be distributed as follows:

1. PORT 20 and SPAN 20 - required for the Minor

2. Upper level courses: two in Portuguese and one in Spanish, or two in Spanish and one in Portuguese. These courses can be taken in any combination, either on campus or abroad.

Portuguese courses on campus: PORT 60-63, 83

Spanish courses on campus: SPAN 30-32, 40-77

Spanish courses abroad: SPAN 20, 32 (LSA+ Santander), SPAN 33, 35 (FSP Buenos Aires), SPAN 34, 36 (FSP Madrid)

Portuguese courses abroad: PORT 35.02, PORT 37.01, PORT 70.01.