Book Release: Aquí hubo una mujer by Kianny Antigua
May 22, 2018
77 Feria del Libro de Madrid, Spain
[more]77 Feria del Libro de Madrid, Spain
[more]Rafael was invited to present his research at the Romance Languages and Literatures 7th Annual Graduate Student Conference hosted by the University at Buffalo on April 28.
[more]Prof. Muñoz-Muriana presented her book ‘Andando se hace el camino’: calle y subjetividades marginales en la España del siglo XIX (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2017) in Madrid last March.
[more]Bilingual Poetry Reading and Conversation with Rosa Alice Branco and Alexis Levitin.
[more]El impacto de la metrópolis: la experiencia americana en Lorca, Dalí, and Buñuel