Assistant Professor Mauricio Acuña Writes about the Capoeira-Author

Assistant Professor Mauricio Acuña writes on the Capoeira History platform.

"The main problem is about the right to write and to public recognition of those who write under the conditions of structural racism and the social formation of slavery in Brazil. It is, therefore, a question that has existed since at least the time of Pastinha's birth in 1889, a year after the abolition of slavery and shortly after the publication of Machado de Assis' book. The reflection I'm proposing is on the history of Pastinha's writings and the ways in which they have been received and interpreted over time, including the headbutts, handstands, gingas and rasteiras that have since circled out." - Excerpt from Assistant Professor Mauricio Acuña's article.

The articles can be found below:

English: Mestre Pastinha: the written mischiefs of a capoeira-author - Contemporary Capoeira

Portuguese: Mestre Pastinha: as malícias escritas de um capoeira-autor - CAPOEIRA CONTEMPORÂNEA