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George Ticknor, Dartmouth Class of 1807, embodied the nineteenth-century concept of a "gentleman of letters." After Dartmouth, he studied law, then moved into his real love, language and literature. He became the first professor of modern languages at Harvard and revolutionized the teaching of modern languages and literatures in the United States.
The exhibit highlighting the work of Ticknor is curated by Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian Daniel Abosso; Jill Baron, Librarian for Romance Languages & Latin American Studies; and Jay Satterfield, Head of Special Collections, designed by Dennis Grady. The Digital exhibit developed by Laura Barrett and Laura Braunstein.
This exhibit can be found at the Baker-Berry Library, Reiss Hall & Berry Main Street, from January 15 through April 30, 2021.
For more information on the George Ticknor Exhibit click here.
SPANPORT Conference on Ticknor (2019)