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Starting January 13, 2016, Dartmouth will host an Ibero-American film festival on six consecutive Wednesday nights. Thanks to the generosity of the Spanish & Portuguese, Film and Media Studies and Environmental Studies departments, the festival will bring new Spanish and Portuguese-language feature films and documentaries to campus, complementing a diversity of curricular activities. Documentaries about the Amazon, the US/Mexico border, and the ETA conflict in Spain, in addition to feature films from Argentina, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela, will draw students from Spanish & Portuguese, Film & Media Studies, Latin American, Latino/a & Caribbean Studies, Women's & Gender Studies, Environmental Studies, and Earth Sciences. The festival will also be widely advertised in order to attract attendees from outside of the Dartmouth community. This festival was also made possible with the support of Pragda, SPAIN arts & culture and the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain.
January 13th 7PM- Bad Hair (Pelo Malo)
Mariana Rondón / Venezuela / 93 min / 2013 / Spanish with English subtitles
Lisandro Alonso/ Argentina/ 2014/ 109 min/ Spanish with English subtitles
January 20th 7PM- The Liberator (El Libertador)
Alberto Arvelo / Venezuela, Spain / 119 min / 2014 / Spanish with English subtitles
January 22nd 7PM- The Second Mother (Que Horas Ela Volta)
Anna Muylaert/ Brazil/ 112 min/ 2015/ Portuguese with English subtitles
January 27th 7PM- Asier and I (Asier eta Biok)
Amaia Merino, Aitor Merino / Spain / 93 min / 2013 / Spanish and Basque with English subtitles
February 3rd 7PM- Cows Wearing Glasses (Las Vacas con Gafas)
Alex Santiago Pérez / Puerto Rico / 90 min / 2014 / Spanish with English subtitles
February 10th 7PM- I thought it was a party (Pense que iba a haber una Fiesta)
Victoria Galardi / Argentina, Spain / 84 min / 2014 / Spanish with English subtitles
February 17th 7PM- Eternal Amazon (Amazonia Eterna)
Belisario Franca / Brazil / 88 min / 2013 / Portuguese with English subtitles