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Caribe Global is a two-week series of readings, performances, exhibits and conversations by writers, performers, and artists who represent Cuban American, Dominican and Dominican American, and Nuyorican experiences and artistic visions.
Oct. 1
* 11:45-1:15PM Treasure Room, Baker Library
Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks Brown Bag Lunch
* 5:00-6:30PM Faculty Lounge
Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks Lecture with reception afterward
Oct. 2
* 6:30-8:00PM Rocky 003
Josefina Báez multi-media performance and Q&A
Oct. 5
* 5:00-7:00PM Rocky 001
Rey Andújar performance and presentation
Oct. 8
* 5:00-7:00PM La Casa
Rubén Sánchez Féliz reading and reception
Oct. 12 (not public event)
* 7:00-9:00PM Dartmouth 102
Migdalia Cruz and Eddie Sánchez workshop with students
Oct. 13 (not public event)
* 12:00-1:30PM Haldeman 031
Migdalia Cruz and Eddie Sánchez workshops with students
Oct. 13
* 4:00-5:30PM 041 Haldeman
Migdalia Cruz, Eddie Sánchez, and Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez panel on Nuyorican and Latina/o theater
Oct. 14
* 7:00-8:30PM Bentley Theater
Migdalia Cruz and Eddie Sánchez staged reading with students
Sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese; the Baker-Berry Library; the Leslie Center for the Humanities; the Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies Program; the VOICES Program in the Department of Theater; Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program; the Studio Art Department; the Master of Arts and Liberal Studies Program; the Dickey Center, and the African and African American Studies Program