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"Transboundary Nature of Mexico's New Theatre"
In Mexico's contemporary theatre landscape, two independent companies stand out, for they base their creative processes on field research and documents of scathing themes that shape Mexico's reality. These companies explore performing art's boundaries with plastic arts, music and a multimedia experience. This lecture deals with the characteristics of both companies. While reflecting on the creation of a new theatre scene that reveints itself by questioning its traditional representational nature.
Ana Laura Santamaría (Mexico City, 1967). Her main interests have been in theater and philosophy. She obtained a PhD in Humanistic Studies with a speciality in Ethics from the Tecnologico de Monterrrey, a master’s degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevoleon, and a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She has written Implicaciones éticas de la Antígona de Sófocles. Una reflexión sobre el pensamiento trágico griego (Ethical Issues of Sophocles’ Antigone. A Reflection on Greek Tragic Thought, Plaza y Valdez, 2009), and Desde la butaca. Teatro regiomontano en el fin del milenio (From the Theatre Seat: Monterrey’s Theatre at the End of the Millennium, UANL 2002). She has been a professor of Theatre Analysis, History of Theatre and Theatre Critique at the Universidad Autonóma de Nuevo Leon. For 13 years she wrote theatre reviews on Monterrey’s newspaper Milenio. She has also done critiques and research on magazines such as Armas y Letras, Paso de Gato and Latinamerican Theatre Review. She is a member of the Council for Nuevo Leon’s Arts (CONARTE), a member faculty of Humanistic Studies at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, and associate director of Catedra Alfonso Reyes at the same institution.
Lecture will take place on Tuesday, April 28th at 4:00pm at Rockefeller 003