Buenos Aires is one of the most vibrant, intellectual, and artistic capitals of the Americas. A major cosmopolitan city, Buenos Aires boasts over 50 theaters, a wealth of architectural monuments, numerous active cultural centers, and a lively art world. The program aims to expose students to Argentine literature, history, and society through classroom work as well as excursions, site visits, and personal contact with families. The Argentina program provides the student the opportunity to study Spanish language, Latin American literature and civilization.
Classes are taught at the UTDT (Universidad Tocuato Di Tella) by local faculty as well as by the Dartmouth faculty member. A private university, the Universidad Tocuato Di Tella is a modern institution built on an American model. Its extensive facilities (library, study area, coffee shops, parks, and sports facilities) offer an excellent environment for exchange between Dartmouth students and their Argentine counterparts.
The program typically includes two major excursions (a weekend trip to Iguazú Falls National Park and another one to Mendoza City and the wine country). A week-long break also offers ideal opportunity to travel within Argentina.