Spanish Foreign Study Programs (FSP) in Madrid and Buenos Aires

Each year we offer foreign study programs (FSP) in the Spanish language in Madrid, Spain (Fall) and in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Spring). Applications for the programs are usually due around February 1 of the previous AY. Applications are submitted via the Guarini Institute website


About the Program

Students participating in the foreign study program live with families and take three courses: Contemporary Issues, Cultural Heritage, and Contemporary Literature. In Contemporary Issues, students read about, discuss and debate current issues and problems affecting the country of residence. The Cultural Heritage course focuses on historical development in Spain and Latin America through art, architecture, music, and popular culture. In the Contemporary Literature course, students read modern poetry, drama and fiction written by major Latin American and Spanish authors. The courses are taught by local faculty and by the accompanying Dartmouth faculty member.

For Madrid, the program offers SPAN 24 (Spanish Cultural Heritage), SPAN 34 (Society, Culture and Politics in Spain), and SPAN 36 (Studies in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature).

For Buenos Aires, the program offers SPAN 23 (Argentine Cultural Heritage), SPAN 33 (Argentine Civilization: Society, Culture, and Politics in Argentina), and SPAN 35 (Studies in Spanish-American Literature and Culture).

For more information, please contact specific directors for each program.


FSP Madris Fall 2024: Isabel Lozano-Renieblas
FSP Buenos Aires Winter 2025: Sebastian Diaz-Duhalde


The prerequisites for the FSP are SPAN 20 (offered every term) and one of the following survey courses: SPAN 32 (fall term only), SPAN 31 (Winter term only), or SPAN 30 (Spring term only). The prerequisite for SPAN 20 is SPAN 9 or the equivalent (those students returning from a Spanish LSA may enroll directly into SPAN 20). The student may apply and be accepted to the program before taking either SPAN 20 or one of the 30-level survey courses, but must complete the prerequisite prior to the FSP into which he or she has been accepted.

Spring 2024 & 2025

Buenos Aires

Classes are taught at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) by local faculty as well as by Dartmouth faculty members.  A private university, the Universidad Tocuato DiTella is a modern institution built on an American model. Its extensive facilities (library, study area, coffee shops, parks, and sports facilities) offer an excellent environment for exchange between Dartmouth students and their Argentine counterparts.  The program includes two/three excursions (typically a day visit to a ranch/estancia; a weekend visit to Iguazú Falls National Park, and another one to Mendoza city and the wine county). A week-long break also offers ideal opportunities to travel within Argentina.

Fall 2024


The Spanish foreign study program features instruction by the Dartmouth faculty member and several Spanish colleagues at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, capital of Spain since 1561, is a major cosmopolitan city whose wealth of architectural monuments and historical associations, museums and centers for theater, music, and the arts make it an exciting place for the study of Spanish culture past and present.

The university, a young and dynamic center for advanced study established in 1968, has a modern campus with extensive facilities and a distinguished faculty, as well as many opportunities for exchange between Dartmouth students and their Spanish counterparts.

In addition to a full academic schedule, the term abroad includes a week-long break for travel within the Iberian Peninsula and opportunities for group excursions to sites of artistic and natural beauty. The principal objective is an in-depth experience of the life and culture of contemporary Spain. This goal is approached through the substantive courses as well as through the homestay and social interaction with Spaniards.