Bad Bunny Listening Party at La Casa with Professor Jorell Meléndez-Badillo La Casa will be holding a Bad Bunny listening party at February 21st, 2025 at 6 pm!
Please Join Voices 2025 for Social Justice Dialogue and Conversations! Voices 2025 Panels are coming up next week! Come Join us for Social Justice Conversations.
Dartmouth Celebrates Professor Annabel Martín's Work in Restorative Justice, Gender, and Art in Basque Region Professor Martín's work focuses on the importance of violence in territories of Basque and its intersection with gender and democracy.
Research Assistant Professor Rey Agudo's Article Dissects the Ambiguity of AI Communication With the emergence of AI in every day dialogue, there are inevitable misgivings of the system.
Photographic Futures, A Talk on Photography's Role in Discussing the Issues of Our Time "Photography exists at a dynamic juncture between fields, serving as both a tool and a subject of inquiry, an art form and a medium of communicatio
"Biocosmism Vitality and the Utopian Imagination Mexico" with Assistant Professor Jorge Quintana Navarrete Assistant Professor of Spanish, Jorge Quintana Navarrete will be giving a talk at Dartmouth Library on Thursday, January 23rd @ 12:30 - 1:30 PM!
Cafecito de Los Miércoles in the Winter! This Winter, come to La Casa for good coffee, tea, snacks, and excellent conversatiosn! All Language Skill Levels are Welcome!
Assistant Professor Ingrid Brioso Rieumont's Nomination for the NEH Summer Stipend Celebrating Assistant Professor Ingrid Brioso Rieumont's Nomination for NEH Stipend!
Celebrating Professor Gema Mayo Prada as a Faculty Fellow! Celebrating Professor Gema Prada as a Faculty Fellow!
La utopía cardenista: la construcción del pueblo durante el gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas Jorge Quintana Navarrete
"Coming Back from the Dead: Finding Justice for Joxi: An Interview with Pilar Zabala Antano." Txetxu Aguado, Annabel Martín
Who Owns the World We Need to Know? Political Emancipation and Anti-Disinformation Pedagogy. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones
El mundo ilegible de Lucrecia Martel: el oído y el tacto en La ciénaga (2001) y La niña santa (2004) Ingrid Brioso Rieumont